Skill Sets

What Can I Do For You?

My passion towards Automation & proven ability to multitask is reflected in my determination towards the work. I give my 100% to complete the tasks within the stipulated amount of time under varying situations. Also, my abilities of being quick learner & team bonding have been strong factors for self motivation. I am resilient to any changes as the world continuously evolving and so should we.

UI Automation

Being one of my strong expertise area, I have worked on several framework based out on Selenium. Also built Keyword driven, data driven and Page Object Model based frameworks. I have used Selenium webdriver with Java and Python. Also applied the Robot Framework and integrated it with the Python libraries to extend its capabilities.Made use of Assertion library like TestNG and unit testing framework like JUnit. For reporting and logging purpose, implemented ExtentReports and Log4j.

API Automation

Worked on Robot Framework & REST-Assured for API Automation. I have also contributed on Postman, SOAP UI and Swagger tools to drive the API Automation in most effective way. Also, developed custom python libraries to test APIs in Robot Framework to ensure the contract level testing. Developed features to verify the json full and partial response. Also, to ensure strict validation for public APIs, developed Json Schema level validation.

Continuous Integration

I have implemented Jenkins to build and test software projects continuously, automatic test executions and scheduled builds making it easier for contributors to integrate changes to the project. We also publish results and sends email notifications to all the team members. It also lets us continuously deliver our software by integrating with testing and deployment technologies.

Continuous Deployment

In the world of DevOps, automation testing plays a vital role. Making use of Docker Selenium helped us receive faster feedback and release cycles. Also, we could maintain all our project's dependencies under a container. Since, it does not use system resources like VMs, so it’s very lightweight. We could easily manage all the version complexity with docker registry. With the help of Docker we implemented Daily Executions to ensure the software quality.